With pregnancy, genetic factors, and excessive weight changes, the breast form may lose its shape over time and unfortunately it can sag due to gravity. Sagging breast tissue is a condition that affects many women not only visually but also psychologically. With a comfortable and reliable breast lift surgery, the sagging breast tissue can be recovered and made upright and shaped.

Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a comfortable and reliable operation that takes an average of 2.5 hours under general anesthesia and requires one-day hospital stay of patients. In breast lift surgery, which aims to make the breast tissue look upright and conical, not only the breast tissue is intervened. Also the nipple, which we call the areola, is intervened and reshaped.

Sagging in breast tissue can be of different severity. Different interventions are made for different degrees of deformations in breast lift surgery. For this reason, it is important for the person who is considering breast lift surgery to undergo a detailed consultation examination. 

If the patient has a slight breast tissue sagging, then a vertical appearance can be obtained by intervening in the sagging tissue with a small incision made from the nipple. However, if there is a moderate sagging, then a more comprehensive intervention is performed with a lollipop-shaped incision from the nipple to the bottom. If there is a severe sagging in the breast tissue, then an incision called an inverted T is applied and the sagging breast tissue is intervened. 

Although there are different incision and intervention methods, breast lift surgery is very reliable and comfortable.

Will there be any scars left in breast lift surgery?

There are scars in all aesthetic operations. The important thing is to be able to hide the scar well with a correct planning, or to ensure the best healing of the operation area with a clean incision and a competent stitch, if it is not where it will be stored. Although the scars of the surgery are red at first, the colour fades over time and become thin lines. One year after the operation, the scar becomes thin and close to the skin colour. 

How is the healing process in breast lift surgery?

Although there is some pain in the chest area in the first week after the operation, this period can be easily overcome with mild painkillers. Patients can return to their social life within about 1 week after breast lift surgery, provided that they do not force themselves. They can easily do exercises about 1 – 1.5 months after the operation. 

Since stitches that dissolve spontaneously over time are used in breast lift operations, no additional control is required to remove the stitches after the operation.
